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Connecting to Kubeflow Pipelines using the SDK client

How to connect to Kubeflow Pipelines using the SDK client and configure the SDK client using environment variables

This guide demonstrates how to connect to Kubeflow Pipelines using the Kubeflow Pipelines SDK client, and how to configure the SDK client using environment variables.

The Kubeflow Pipelines REST API is available at the same endpoint as the Kubeflow Pipelines user interface (UI). The SDK client can send requests to this endpoint to upload pipelines, create pipeline runs, schedule recurring runs, and more.

Before you begin

Connect to Kubeflow Pipelines from outside your cluster

Kubeflow distributions secure the Kubeflow Pipelines public endpoint with authentication and authorization. Since Kubeflow distributions can have different authentication and authorization requirements, the steps needed to connect to your Kubeflow Pipelines instance might be different depending on the Kubeflow distribution you installed. Refer to documentation for your Kubeflow distribution:

For Kubeflow Pipelines standalone and Google Cloud AI Platform Pipelines, you can also connect to the API via kubectl port-forward.

Kubeflow Pipelines standalone deploys a Kubernetes service named ml-pipeline-ui in your Kubernetes cluster without extra authentication.

You can use kubectl port-forward to port forward the Kubernetes service locally to your laptop outside of the cluster:

# Change the namespace if you deployed Kubeflow Pipelines in a different
# namespace.
$ kubectl port-forward svc/ml-pipeline-ui 3000:80 --namespace kubeflow

You can verify that port forwarding is working properly by visiting http://localhost:3000 in your browser. If port forwarding is working properly, the Kubeflow Pipelines UI appears.

Run the following python code to instantiate the kfp.Client:

import kfp
client = kfp.Client(host='http://localhost:3000')

Note, for Kubeflow Pipelines in multi-user mode, you cannot access the API using kubectl port-forward because it requires authentication. Refer to distribution specific documentation as recommended above.

Connect to Kubeflow Pipelines from the same cluster

Non-multi-user mode

As mentioned above, the Kubeflow Pipelines API Kubernetes service is ml-pipeline-ui.

Using Kubernetes standard mechanisms to discover the service, you can access ml-pipeline-ui service from a Pod in the same namespace by DNS name:

import kfp
client = kfp.Client(host='http://ml-pipeline-ui:80')

Or, you can access ml-pipeline-ui service by using environment variables:

import kfp
import os
host = os.getenv('ML_PIPELINE_UI_SERVICE_HOST')
port = os.getenv('ML_PIPELINE_UI_SERVICE_PORT')
client = kfp.Client(host=f'http://{host}:{port}')

When accessing Kubeflow Pipelines from a Pod in a different namespace, you must access by the service name and the namespace:

import kfp
namespace = 'kubeflow' # or the namespace you deployed Kubeflow Pipelines
client = kfp.Client(host=f'http://ml-pipeline-ui.{namespace}:80')

Multi-User mode

Note, multi-user mode technical details were put in the How in-cluster authentication works section below.

Choose your use-case from one of the options below:

  • Access Kubeflow Pipelines from Jupyter notebook

    In order to access Kubeflow Pipelines from Jupyter notebook, an additional per namespace (profile) manifest is required:

    kind: PodDefault
      name: access-ml-pipeline
      namespace: "<YOUR_USER_PROFILE_NAMESPACE>"
      desc: Allow access to Kubeflow Pipelines
          access-ml-pipeline: "true"
        - name: volume-kf-pipeline-token
              - serviceAccountToken:
                  path: token
                  expirationSeconds: 7200
        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/kubeflow/pipelines
          name: volume-kf-pipeline-token
          readOnly: true
          value: /var/run/secrets/kubeflow/pipelines/token

    After the manifest is applied, newly created Jupyter notebook contains an additional option in the configurations section. Read more about configurations in the Jupyter notebook server.

    Note, Kubeflow kfp.Client expects token either in KF_PIPELINES_SA_TOKEN_PATH environment variable or mounted to /var/run/secrets/kubeflow/pipelines/token. Do not change these values in the manifest. Similarly, audience should not be modified as well. No additional setup is required to refresh tokens.

    Remember the setup has to be repeated per each namespace (profile) that should have access to Kubeflow Pipelines API from within Jupyter notebook.

  • Access Kubeflow Pipelines from within any Pod

    In this case, the configuration is almost similar to the Jupyter Notebook case described above. The Pod manifest has to be extended with projected volume and mounted into either KF_PIPELINES_SA_TOKEN_PATH or /var/run/secrets/kubeflow/pipelines/token.

    Manifest below shows example Pod with token mounted into /var/run/secrets/kubeflow/pipelines/token:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: access-kfp-example
      namespace: my-namespace
      - image: my-image:latest 
        name: access-kfp-example
          - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/kubeflow/pipelines
            name: volume-kf-pipeline-token
            readOnly: true
      serviceAccountName: default-editor
        - name: volume-kf-pipeline-token
              - serviceAccountToken:
                  path: token
                  expirationSeconds: 7200

    Note that this example uses default-editor in my-namespace as the service account identity, but you can configure to use any service account that runs in your Pod. You need to bind service account to cluster role kubeflow-pipelines-edit or kubeflow-pipelines-view documented in view-edit-cluster-roles.yaml.

Managing access to Kubeflow Pipelines API across namespaces

As already mentioned, access to Kubeflow Pipelines API requires per namespace setup. Alternatively, you can configure the access in a single namespace and allow other namespaces to access Kubeflow Pipelines API through it.

Note, the examples below assume that namespace-1 is a namespace (profile) that will be granted access to Kubeflow Pipelines API through the namespace-2 namespace. The namespace-2 should already be configured to access Kubeflow Pipelines API.

Cross-namespace access can be achieved in two ways:

  • With additional RBAC settings.

    This option requires that only namespace-2 has to have PodDefault manifest configured.

    Access is granted by giving namespace-1:ServiceAccount/default-editor the ClusterRole/kubeflow-edit in namespace-2:

    kind: RoleBinding
      name: kubeflow-edit-namespace-1
      namespace: namespace-2
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: kubeflow-edit
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: default-editor
      namespace: namespace-1
  • By sharing access to the other profile.

    In this scenario, access is granted by namespace-2 adding namespace-1 as a
    contributor. Specifically, the owner of the namespace-2 uses Kubeflow UI “Manage contributors” page. In the “Contributors to your namespace” textbox he adds email address associated with the namespace-1.

How Multi-User mode in-cluster authentication works

When calling Kubeflow Pipelines API in the same cluster, Kubeflow Pipelines SDK authenticates itself as your Pod’s service account in your namespace using ServiceAccountToken projection. This is where a verifiable token with a limited lifetime is being injected into a Pod (e.g. Jupyter notebook’s).

Then Kubeflow Pipelines SDK uses this token to authorize against Kubeflow Pipelines API. It is important to understand that serviceAccountToken method respects the Kubeflow Pipelines RBAC, and does not allow access beyond what the ServiceAcount running the notebook Pod has.

More details about PodDefault can be found here.

Configure SDK client by environment variables

It’s usually beneficial to configure the Kubeflow Pipelines SDK client using Kubeflow Pipelines environment variables, so that you can initiate kfp.Client instances without any explicit arguments.

For example, when the API endpoint is http://localhost:3000, run the following to configure environment variables in bash:

export KF_PIPELINES_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:3000

Or configure in a Jupyter Notebook by using the IPython built-in %env magic command:

%env KF_PIPELINES_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:3000

Then you can use the SDK client without explicit arguments.

import kfp
# When not specified, host defaults to env var KF_PIPELINES_ENDPOINT.
# This is now equivalent to `client = kfp.Client(host='http://localhost:3000')`
client = kfp.Client()

Refer to more configurable environment variables here.

Next Steps


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